22 Things I Learned in 22 Years of Life

Guess who’s leveling up today and reaching a new age?! Lorde, yes, I guess you’re technically right... But also, ME! And while I’ve never been nominated for a Grammy, nor have more money than I’d know what to do with, I have learned many things in the time I’ve spent on this earth.

If I was Lorde, I might have shared some money with you, but I’m not, so instead I’ll share 22 Things I Learned in 22 Years of Life (sorry, not sorry).


1. Time seems to pass you by much quicker as you get older. Make the most of it. Stop living for the future and live in the now.

2. Family relationships improve drastically when you move out and become independent. At the very least, you’ll start to enjoy spending time with your siblings once you no longer see them every day.

3. Christmas may be a time for family, but the day belongs to children. Get up and open presents at whatever ridiculous time they’ve decided to awaken. Don’t ruin their excitement.

4. Giving gifts is better than receiving them, but not getting one back hurts a little anyway.

5. Living with flat-mates is torture, but it’s something that will make you appreciate your own place so much more in the future. Living through a year or two of messy bathrooms and unwashed dishes is uncomfortable to say the least, but being in complete control of your house in the future will be just that much more pleasant.

6. Going to bed angry with your other half is the worst way to end your day and almost guarantees a bad start to the next day. Sort your problems out before you hit the pillow, no matter how long it takes you.

7. Take-out should be a treat for bad days and special occasions and should not be reduced to every day consumption. Don’t be lazy and cook your dinners.

8. Nothing will brighten your day like an unexpected present. Whether it’s a lovely cupcake or a new book, treat those around you with a little something once in a while.

9. You’re never too old for hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. Never.

10. Learning to say no is vital for you happiness. Standing up for your beliefs and putting yourself first (every so often) will do wonders for your self-esteem and happiness.

11. If you can do it in two minutes or less, do it now. Nobody is thrilled by the prospect of making the bed or washing dirty dishes, but you’ll have to do it sooner or later. So if it’s a small thing that will take you two minutes or less, do it now.

White Clock

12. Don’t criticize someone’s appearance unless they can fix it in under 5 minutes. If your friend has a stray strand of hair, or lipstick on her teeth, tell her discreetly so she can fix it. If you know it’s outwith their control, consider whether they really need it pointed out to them.

13. Dress according to the weather, not the plans you made. It’s all fine and well to plan out a cute outfit that shows off all the right places, but if the weather doesn’t allow for it then scrap the idea and find something else! Comfort and health all the way!

14. If a baby smiles at you, you smile back.

15. There’s no magical age when you “become an adult” and have all the answers. We’re all just winging it until we can pass experience off as knowledge.

16. You can never cook the right amount of pasta no matter how hard you try.

17. People can influence you and push you in a certain direction, but at the end of the day, it’s your decision to go down that road. Make sure to go in the direction YOU want to go.

18. Worrying about the unknown achieves nothing and is best avoided if possible.

19. Running seems like a great idea until you start.

20. Finishing a good book will leave you heartbroken regardless of your age.

21. Don’t forget to live in the moment. Just once in a while, put down your phone or camera and capture the moment in your memory, not your memory card.

22. Trying to remember everything you learned in 22 years is hard.


I think there was also something about yellow snow… Eat it? Yeah. Yeah, I’m sure that’s what I was meant to tell you… Go eat yellow snow!

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